Project development

Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon

Since the beginning of Project No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/010/005 supervised by State Regional Development agency(VRAA) «Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon» a number of works have been conducted, which shall enable obtaining of silicon rods with paramet
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Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon

Since the beginning of Project No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/010/005 supervised by State Regional Development agency(VRAA) «Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon» a number of works have been conducted, which shall enable obtaining of silicon rods with paramet
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Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon

Since the beginning of Project No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/010/005 supervised by State Regional Development agency(VRAA) «Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon» a number of works have been conducted, which shall enable obtaining of silicon rods with paramet
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Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon

On April 13th 2015 KEPP Ltd has signed an agreement No. 2/EEZLV02/14/AK/010/005 with Valsts reģionālās attīstības aģentūra (VRAA), about implementation of the project “Create the energy-efficient technology to produce polycrystalline silicon”. The project will be implemented in cooper
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Achievements in processing video of technology process

In the scope of “Pētījums par silīcija kristālu audzēšanas tehnoloģiskā procesa matemātiskā modeļa izveidi izmantojot attēlu apstrādes metodes” project, methods of segmentation for more precise determination of crystal meniscus location and diameter and methods
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Dislocation free FZ single crystals have been grown

Dislocation free FZ single crystals have been grown from feedstock rods pulled at SIA KEPP EU at IKZ, Berlin.
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Research on development of mathematical model for silicon crystal growing technological process by using image processing methods

Together with “Elektronikas un datorzinātņu institūts” SIA KEPP EU started the work supported by competence center “LEO” on a project „Pētniecības Projekts Nr.1.25. (Pētījums par silīcija kristālu audzēšanas tehnoloģiskā procesa matemātiskā modeļ
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Growth of ingots with diameter up to 10 inches is tested

  In February  ingot with diameter up to 10 inches and weight more than 50 kgs was grown at furnace for metallurgical rectification of silicon and ingot growth with the use of electron beam heating.    
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Functional test of equipment is conducted

  Equipment for electron beam metallurgical rectification of silicon was run in ingot pulling mode with the use of electron beam as heating source. Functional tests were conducted and test ingot was pulled.
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