Application of electron beam heating rods in FZ single crystals technology

Operational Program “Growth and Work” 1.2.1. Specific objective “Increase private sector investment in R&D”. Within the framework of the event “Support for the Development of New Products and Technologies in Competence Centers”, SIA “MAŠĪNBŪVES KOMPETENCES CENTRS” implements project No. / 18 / A / 008 “Engineering Competence Center” from April 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. ,
On September 1, 2019, KEPP EU, together with its partners, in cooperation with the University of Latvia and ALFA RPAR, launched the research project Nr. 4.5 “Technological research and production of silicon with a diameter of up to 100 mm for use in low-power and powerful microelectronic solid-state devices.”
The aim of the project is to conduct research on the organization of production of experimental industrial silicon crystals for use in the manufacture of electronic devices.
Key events during the project:
1. Development of technology for growing silicon single crystals with a diameter of 76 and 100 mm at the FZ1510;
2. creating a mathematical model for growing single crystals with a diameter of 5 to 100 mm from a pedestal with a diameter of 100 to 250 mm with additional infrared and electron beam heating;
3. The consistent development of test systems for the technology of growing single-crystal silicon based on the apparatus “VU 1” using concentrated infrared and electron-beam heating;
4. creation of laboratory complexes for cleaning rods in order to develop technologies for their preparation for growing processes;
5. The manufacture of wafers and silicon tests produced by KEPP EU JSC by manufacturing electronic devices at ALFA RPAR.
The result of the project will be:
₋ An advanced mathematical model for growing a silicon single crystal from a pedestal with combined high-frequency, infrared and electron-beam heating (first in the world);
– experimental production line for the production of silicon single crystals with a diameter of up to 100 mm from unique silicon rods (ELS) grown by heating the silicon melt with an electron beam;
₋ For the first time in the world, we will check the quality of silicon crystals FZ grown from ELS and manufacture devices from them. A higher recovery of suitable devices is expected than with a standard silicon wafer.
The study is planned to be carried out before November 30, 2021.
The total project cost is estimated at 428,779.38 euros, including 290,281.04 euros from the European Regional Development Fund.